Ritual and Ceremony


The ritual aspects of Intention are centred around bringing us together as a community, sharing and growing together, and they are designed to be all-inclusive. That said, everyone is welcome to participate or sit them out according to their own desire.


Opening ceremony / lighting of sacred fire will be at 8pm on Friday by the pond. There will then follow a procession from the sacred fire to the main field and opening circle.

Opening circle will be at 8:30pm on Friday in the main field. This will include brief introductions and announcements, fun games, sharing, dance, and surprises!

Closing circle will be at 11am Monday. This will be a time to share about the gathering and your experiences, acknowledge each other and the connections we've made, and offer thanks. More fun surprises here too! =) 


Altars will be on the main field. This year there will be a large earth altar at the front of the dancefloor by the dj booth, and water, air, and fire altars will be at the other 3 corners of the main field. There will also be a mirror altar in the dome space. Please bring your sacred items to share if you'd like to contribute to them.

What are the altars for?. That's up to you, but here are some thoughts that others have shared during the planning of Summer Intention:

  • a tool for connecting to more than ourselves
  • a focal point for our intentions and self-discovery
  • a place to gather the sacred and energetic, to receive and to offer them
  • the mystery, the unknown, the story to be told
  • the microcosm to the macrocosm of intention


In many ways the whole of Intention is a ritual of self-expression, sharing, connecting, and growing - together.

And not forgetting that for many of us the dancefloor is a place where the magic really happens! =)


For more info or to get involved, please send an email to ritual[at]intentionalgathering[dot]org.